laugardagur, október 29, 2005

Still in Mumbai and not much happened since yesterday.
Almost stept on a dead rat
got bus tickets for Goa tomorrow night
Biggi is joining us soon
was asked to be in a Bollywood movie :o)hahaha
Haukur wasn't very happy when I said no cause he wants to be in one :o)
and that's about it, sitting in a nice cold internetcafe but screaming crazy kids everywhere!! bbbaaaahhhhhh.....

föstudagur, október 28, 2005

the best plane i've ever been on, 100 movies, shows and games to play.
air india, funniest pane and scariest i've been on
people everywhere
3 lanes on the road turn into 9 cars in a row trying to get passed each other
yes that's mumbai for you
planing on staying today and tomorrow but then heading down the coast to goa

þriðjudagur, október 25, 2005

i'm gonna change this blog a bit now and hope i'll be better at putting something in, it's only gonna be a list of what i'm doing and then when i know how to just a photo blog, but am not sure how to put photos on from a dif comp every time but am going traveling with 2 computer gurus so they should be able to help me out. Anyway better start listblogging.
have been in england for 2 weeks now
met up with lots of people, both who i knew before and new people
some very nice some just ok
been to hull, leeds, london, hull
been to the gym loads both in leeds and hull
specialy in hull though cause it's just next door and there are some very nice people working there
it's back to london tomorrow
gatwick airport is my bed tomorrow
india on thursday
no plan after that


name birna;
age 23;
country iceland;
like lot of things;
dislike prob more things;
whatever happens happens


júlí 2004ágúst 2004september 2004október 2004nóvember 2004desember 2004janúar 2005apríl 2005júní 2005júlí 2005september 2005október 2005nóvember 2005


my icelandic blog
our travel blogthink the guys are gonna do something nice to this site but we'll see how it goes


click here to see photos

check out my phone blog



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