miðvikudagur, júlí 20, 2005 i love airports!!! loads of funny people and you can just sit and watch everyone for ages. am at kastrup airport now in denmark waiting for my train that leaves in 2 hours. the festival i was organising has just finished and it was really good. most things run smoothe and people were happy. i tried kite surfing and ohh my god if you haven't tried it then do, it's so much fun!!! i love it, thinking about going somewhere this winter to learn properly how to kite surf, it is the best.i've been crazy busy last 2 weeks and have loads of funny photos to put on. i'll do it when i get back to iceland, am staying in denmark for a week and then back home doing a new job and just relaxing and prob sobering up for a bit. what have i been doing?? went camping drank loads hiking skinny dipping (have some funny photos and i'll put them in hope helga doesn't mind) fly in a tiny airplane play football do shit loads of outdoor activities at the festival kite surfing mountain bonfire wetsuite football hiking drink and now i'm in denmark will put on some photos when i get back
fimmtudagur, júlí 07, 2005 hellú hellúhaven´t been taken all the photos i was gonna take, or i have been taking shit loads of photos i just haven´t put them on the net yet. am going camping on friday can´t wait, to a cool place not to far from where i live but there are no cars and no electricity, no phones or radio. you have to go by boat or a small plane. it is the coolest place you go hike, make fire, play the guitar and sing and ofcourse sink a few beers!!! a friend of mine is a pilot and he is gonna fly us there on friday, i can´t wait he said he´s gonna let me fly the plane!!! so if you never hear from me again it was nice knowing you and i wish you all the best :o) but i was posting a blot to ask if anyone is doing something cool this season, or just now, after 2 weeks i´ll have finished the project i´m working on and don´t really have any plans so if anyone is doing cool stuff let my know and i´ll come and join you. will let you know if i´m still breathing after the weekend and promise will put some photos on from this amasing place i´m going to.
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