föstudagur, nóvember 26, 2004 do think it's time for me to blog again????prob but i can't be bothered cause noone reads this anyway so i've decided to only post when i put on new photos. and you can always try and understand what's going on on the icelandic blog :o) sorry no new photos now but will put some in soon.
mánudagur, nóvember 08, 2004 does anyone know where i can get last christmas, wham!! ed needs it for next wednesday, think he might be singing at chiyodas christmasconcert :o)not been up to much the last few weeks, or have been doing loads of stuff but nothing that's worth writing down! we drove down to tama in tokyo to go snowboarding, only took us 4 hours to get down there!!!! got a bit lost around tama :o/ ed snowboarded for hour and half i didn't think the place was good enough for me ;oP so i went to a dog centre and was playing with cute little puppies for an hour. the drive back was 3 hours so that day we drove for 7 hours so ed could snowboard for 1 1/2 :o/ not the best trip we've done but now we know not to go again!! went to tokyo and saw the national museum or something like that and then we thought we were going to see the palace but ended up in a park where the palace used to be but now is just grass and few japanese style houses. was a good day in tokyo though and went to a cool restaurant that i think is called isakaja or something like that you get lots of small dishes of good japanese food. i tried raw oysters and some soup with stuff that i have no idea what is and plenty more that i don't know the name of but my favourite is tofu in red soup with egg and cheese i think. went to ueno zoo last weekend, saw some pandas they did not look very happy and some polar bears in crazy small rooms with tiny little windows so people could have a look at them and they were def not happy!!! hippos rhinos penguins monkeys and lots of other animals good fun but feels bad looking at locked up animals!!! but one interesting thing!! i'm sure the japanese animals had much more space than the other animals, few japanese monkeys had the biggest space in the park, bigger the 3 big elephants one weighting more than 4000kg and the polar bears in spaces half the size of my bedroom and they're def 2 or 3 times bigger than i am!!! met up with jon and liz in ochanamisu, snowboard shop street, jon bought board+bindings+jacket+pants and then back to the restaurant from the week before tasted even better the second time, could be something to do with some extra beers!!! now back in chiyoda planing to take up swimming and playing tennis, will be very interesting!!! and looking forward to alexs and laurens party next sat.
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