miðvikudagur, október 13, 2004 the weekend is over and we're half way to next weekend. not a very exciting weekend went out on sat night and saw robbie in a fashion show, he was cool looked like a rockstar, slept in the car after the party and then spent sunday in bed :o( i hate the day after going out. on monday we went snowboarding at this indoor place in ibaraki pref, it was a cool place not very big, had one really big kicker and then another smaller one and a rail, no free slope. the first two runs were shit felt like i had never snowboarded before but in the end it got better so planing to go few more times before the snow comes and then everything should be back to how it was in tignes last season.planning to go to a big snowboard sale in tokyo next weekend up 80% off last seasons stuff, not sure what the name of the place is so if anyone knows what i'm talking about please let me know :o)
föstudagur, október 08, 2004 hey hey sorry haven't been writing muchlife here in japan is good, we had an earthquake day before yesterday it was cool but it was pretty small and then another tiny one yesterday, i like earthquakes it's a funny feeling and they make u laugh :o) we've got no plans for the weekend except for chiyodas sportsday on sunday 8.30 thank u very much!!!! it's a crime to plan activities that early on a sunday!!! might go snowboarding or down to tokyo shopping for boots or just hang around here and drink beer. i have put on loads of photos from japan go and have a look now mail me and tell me something fun!!!
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