þriðjudagur, september 21, 2004 finally i'm in japan!!!we haven't sorted out the internet yet but for some strange reason there is a wireless connetction on the house today, got no idea how that happened just saw the light was on when i turned the comp on and then the connection was good but not sure how long it will last so i'm just letting everyone know that everything is good in japan, took some time get over the jet lag and time difference have taken some photos that i'll put on the net when we've got our own connection you people better star signing the guestbook or commenting or i'll not tell what i'm up to here in japan and you all know u wont get e-mails from me cause i'm to lazy to write :o)
fimmtudagur, september 09, 2004 i'm in london right now waiting for my flight to tokyo. got about half hour till i have to board gonna go and get something to eat, everything's worked out fine so far. this lap top thingy and wireless network is the best not nearly as boring to sit around and wait. ooohhh my god two police guys just walked passed me with something that looked like 2 big machine guns!!!! didn't think they had security like that here in london!!! well i better behave or i'll get into trouble!! gonna eat now will blog and tell you what i'm up to when i get to japan will put in photos when i've taken some :o)better go and eat and pee cause i can't really hold it any longer :o/
mánudagur, september 06, 2004 not tomorrow not the day after but the day after that i will be on my way to japan!!! jeij jeij jeij can't wait :o) but eating dinner at my aunts, better not be rude and just hang on the internet!!! prob wont blog till i've sorted out the internet in japan but we'll see might hit some hot spots in the airports on the way!!! ( hot spots being a place where there is wireless internet, call it hot spots in iceland!!!)if not just see u all in japan :o)
miðvikudagur, september 01, 2004 hey hey hey only 2 more days at work and then i'm off to japan or i'm off to japan in 8 days but i'm leaving isafjordur on sunday gonna spend a few days in reykjavik before i go.but now i'm gonna tell u little about what i've been doing this summer, or more just about the partying i've been doing in august. the first weekend in august was a really good one i can't really remember what we did on the friday just know i got drunk with elin, then on sat there was bonfire where my summerhouse is and everyone that's home this weekend comes to this bonfire, there is live music and everyone is singing and drinking lots, elin and i got drunk and ended up in a guitar party at my grandmas sisters summerhouse!!! did anyone understand what i just said??? and then we cykledback to my place and had something to eat next door, we had to walk a cross the golf course on our way back here and we picked about 30 golfballs from the driving range and i had to carry it all the way back and ti was f heavy. on the sunday we went to a friends house we were just gonna have a little to drink and play some cards but ended up playing a drinking came and everyone got really drunk, then everyone got hungry around 1am so me and the girl that lives there decided to make a pizza, we made the base and everything we put a little taco seasoning mix in the base instead of something we didn't have, then on top we put ham peperoni hot dogs cocopuffs and pretzels :oP it was the yummiest pizza ever. by the time we had made the pizza and eaten it all it was 5 am and everyone really tired so that was the end of the funniest party this summer. i took some funny photos and will put them on the net soon just have to download them to the comp. well that is enough now will tell you about other weekends later gonna go and wax my board and get it ready to fly out to japan.
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