þriðjudagur, ágúst 24, 2004 jeij only 15 days till i go to japan!!!i can't wait getting way to excited! hey does anyone know how to take this blogger line at the top out??? i've figured out the prob with the photos now so i promise to put in some new photos tonight nothing new from isafjordur really, not been doing anything just playing footy and rollerblading. i've stopped drinking for a while :o) we'll see how long that lasts... i'm getting my board sent over from england and then i'll start packing and sending off stuff i'm gonna send with seamail but it costs loads so i'll have to take as little as i can :o( i hate leaving my stuff behind i want to take everything with me. but got to go now am supposed to be working!!!
föstudagur, ágúst 20, 2004 shit shit shit!!!!i'm going to the dentist in 20min.... i hate dentists they're nothing but pain and cost lots and lots of money!!! if i don't come out alive i just want to let you all know it was nice to know you and i hope we meet where ever we go after we die :o) can't believe i'm dying only 3 weeks before i go to japan :o(
miðvikudagur, ágúst 18, 2004 hey hey i'm not dead!!! i haven't been blogging cause the weather here in iceland has been amasing for 2 weeks now, it's been crazy hot and sunny every day it's just like beeing at the beach. anyway there's no way i'll be inside and hang on the comp when i could be outside in my bikini getting nice and tanned :o)so as soon as it starts raining or just when the sun goes away i'll start blogging again and tell you what i've been up to the last few weeks.
fimmtudagur, ágúst 05, 2004 hey hey jebs i'm still alive!!!i know i haven't been blogging at all but it's gonna get better now i promise i'll start writing some shit even though i haven't got anything to say, but just gonna try and put some more photos onto my computer so i can put some harrypotter photos from england and ogur on the webpage and some from the pizzaparty i went to last sunday!!! it was the best we got there around 10 prob and just started drinking and playing some drinking games and ofc ended up getting really drunk tryed to play another partygame but were all to drunk to play then we all got hungry so me and the girl that lives there decided to make a pizza we made the base and everything we put tacostuff in the baze and then ham pepperoni and hot dogs on top then cheese and cocopuffs and pretzels and in the owen it was one of the best pizzas i've ever had i think :o) and by the time we'd finished eating the pizza it was 5 am and everyone was ready to go home but when i got back i couldn't sleep cause the weather was so nice so i started surfing the internet and sent a drunken e-mail to ed that i think didn't make any sence :o)
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