fimmtudagur, júlí 29, 2004 i haven't blogged for ages now and prob not gonna blog much now!!! just gonna try and put in some more photos and tell u england was good, got there thursd had some wine friday got pretty drunk with ed's crazy friends that eat vodka jelly and fights in nightclubs, as u know i just sat quiet in the corner and drank my glass of wine!!!! satd got very pissed had the rest of the vodka jelly+bottle of wine+10 beers=hhhhhmmmmm!!!! then sunday was a big hangover day and just chilling around nottingham castle+oldest pub+pizza+cinema ok had a few beers but that was only to straighten out the hangoverhey i said i wasn't gonna blog so i'm not
miðvikudagur, júlí 21, 2004 jeij jeij jeij i'm going to england tomorrow morning have to get the bus at 5.15 :o/ better not miss it!!!!finally managed to do a photopage so go and have a look i've only put in some photos from when i was in brasil and france but will put in more when i get back from england next week go and have a look at my PHOTOS!!!
sunnudagur, júlí 18, 2004 just letting u know i'm back from camping was the best fun amasing but to tired now to tell u all about it so will do later now gonna sleep in the sun and get some tan :o)
föstudagur, júlí 16, 2004 yahhhoooo it's friday 2 days off work and then just work for 3 days and then i get till tuseday off cause i'm going to england to see ed before he goes to japan. can't wait only 5 days!!!!don't know if i've told u but we came second in the football tournament we were playing in last weekend we were very happy only lost against a much better team that's at the top of first division in iceland where as we only meet and play tvice a week and then drink at weekends :o) we got back on sunday night and waking up on monday was hell, my mum came and woke me up at 5 to 9 and i have to be at work at 9 :o/ but i made it sort of on time. then just the whole week resting and playing footy on monday and thursday as always, went rollerblading yesterday and tryed the ramp for the first time and hhhmmmm.... i'll get better. then gonna eat chicken at siggas (my aunts) now and might go fishing with my little cousins but then around 10 10.30 some people are gonna light a bonfire and have guitar and singing and stuff so prob go and check that out. and then tomorrow is the big day..... OGURBALL!!!!! that means we're going camping in place where there is no phone connection just out in the middle of nowhere, lots of people go camping just camp at the farmers fields and there is a band playing in a tiny house and everyone is just drinking singing dancing and talking outside or inside till 7 or 8 in the morning and after the band stops playing everyone goes to the next farm and the woman there has made loads of cakes and good stuff to eat so everyone comes there and eats as much as they want.... will tell u all about it on sunday but now i'm gonna go and eat chicken and go fishing have a good weekend all tchau
miðvikudagur, júlí 14, 2004 ok ok i know lots of spelling mist but who cares!!!gone to plan the weekend camping out in the middle of nover no phone connection or anything just the tent sleeping bag guitar bbq and lots and lots of beer with cool people :o) jeij can't wait!!! now i'm pretty happy with the look of the page juat have to find out how i can put up a photo page!!! so if anyone knows how that's done please tell me and yes u all have to sign the guestbook and then comment on my site. michiel your page is cool i could only listen to one song can't remember what it's called but it was really good would like to hear some more but you were complaining about my page beeing in icelnadic yours is in some wierd language!!!! but was abble to understand some words i think... it's getting there, i've got comments stuff now and links i'll put a guestbook and more stuff in soon but right now i'm having trouble with the picture when you open the page it doesn't come up u have to right clikc and say open picture or something like that, but i'll fix it after work...
þriðjudagur, júlí 13, 2004 this is gonna be my english blog i think but we'll see if i can be bothered to write something. just gonna change the look and stuff cause that's the fun part
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